Investigating the color outliers
by JeanTate
That's a plot of the objects in the QS catalog (excluding the duplicates).
The orange diamonds are the 'photometric/image' outliers, which are in the Outliers - summary thread, under 'Star', 'Overlap', and 'not main/central part of galaxy' sections1. Clearly, quite a few of those are also color outliers.
But what about the others? There are ~ten blue points which seem to be well away from the main 'QS cloud'; what are they? That's what this thread is about!
Here is the corresponding QC plot:
While there are also clearly some 'blue point' color outliers, the edge of the 'QC cloud' seems fuzzier than that of the QS cloud. And there seems to be a clump beyond the red (g-r) end. In this thread I'll look at them too.
1 I need to check that this is up to date!
by JeanTate
QS color outliers
AGS ID (SDSS DR7 ObjId), g-r, r-i: comments
AGS0000272 (587742060001820696), -0.27, -1.16: star-burst merger (not post-quench)? off-center, spectrum unlikely to representative of whole galaxy:
AGS00001bl (588017726012129327), -0.10, 0.59: DR9 image (first) is not centered on DR7 object (second); off-center; not post-quench?
AGS00000fq (588007004179660890), 0.11, 0.20: starburst; not at all quenched!
AGS00001n5 (587738067277119551), 1.63, 0.63: very interesting! Low redshift (0.037) but very red ... due to huge amounts of dust?
AGS00000dt (587728668806348953), 0.35, -1.05: Hmm, H-alpha, -beta, -gamma, -delta, and even -epsilon are in emission; not at all like an A type spectrum.
AGS0000242 (587742627995058239), 0.56, -0.14: off-center
AGS000027c (587742062689583159), 0.81, 0.05: post-starburst? not yet quenched?
AGS00000ds (587728669343613075), 1.49, 0.69: overlap
AGS000029c (587742012757180541), 1.29, 0.16: off-center
AGS000017f (588298664112881826), 1.29, 0.16: off-center
AGS00001eg (588017702403965079), 1.25, 0.16: overlap? Spectrum is very A-like
AGS00001se (587739294015553579), 0.92, 0.15: strange; double nucleus? overlap? Spectrum is very A-like
AGS0000153 (587736619322114241), 0.41, 0.6: overlap (main Eos seems undisturbed) or merger
Not really outliers, more like fringe-dwellers
AGS00001ww (587739651037790549), 0.27, 0.0: intense starburst
AGS00000j3 (587731512071028908), 1.24, 0.67: strong [SII], [NII], H-alpha (emissions); weak [OIII]; dust-choked post-starburst?
by JeanTate
QC outliers
AGS ID (SDSS DR7 ObjId), g-r, r-i: comments
AGS00002wk (588848901515182119), -0.20, -0.20: intense starburst, possible overlap
AGS00003yw (587736940906872995), 1.0, 0.0: DR9 image (first) is not centered on DR7 object (second); off-center
AGS000037i (587738411946737807), 2.0, 0.55: complex overlap/merger
AGS00002iu (587725039563505701), 0.09, 0.63: overlapping bright star messed up the photometry?
AGS0000462 (587739407324283127), 1.49, 1.08: no idea why it's so far from the QC cloud!
by mlpeck
Even though the DR8+ photometric pipeline was supposed to improve on previous efforts there are much larger outliers than in your first post above. On the other hand fiber magnitudes show a much tighter relationship:
The vertical and horizontal lines are estimated errors taken from the photObj table. The cloud of red points are my estimates of the k-corrected, galactic extinction corrected, and emission corrected colors.