Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk

Framework and suggestions for Data Analysis Phase

  • trouille by trouille scientist, moderator, admin

    There are many ways to approach the data analysis phase of a research project. Below are suggestions. Feel free to add your suggestions as well.

    1. Play! Use to explore the data. You can start doing this even before the classification results are uploaded. (Note: As of writing this post, we’re at 68% complete. Once we’re at 100% complete, we’ll upload all the classification results into Quench Tools. Already within Quench Tools is a table of information containing stellar mass, magnitudes, redshift, emission line strengths, ect. for our post-quenched galaxy sample to play with.)

    For advice on using Quench Tools, click here. Be creative and daring. Leave no stone unturned. Have fun and ferret out interesting trends in the data.

    Keep in mind your guiding research question: What caused the star formation to quench in post-quenched galaxies? But also be open to new research questions your data may elicit.

    1. Share all interesting results here in Talk. You never know what idea of yours will prompt someone else to new heights. For advice on sharing Quench Tool Dashboards, click here.

    2. Learn about the scientific context for your data. Click here for summaries of relevant scientific articles, suggestions of great galaxy evolution websites, and other advice and resources.

    3. Return to playing with your data once again, but now more deeply informed about the scientific context. I find it’s helpful to first play with as few preconceptions as possible, as we did in #1, and then return to play after learning in more depth about others’ results.

    As before, continue sharing all interesting results here in Talk. We have a great set of astronomers and zookeepers facilitating and contributing to the discussion. Post your questions, ideas, etc. and fan the flames of the scientific discussion.

    1. Once all the cards are on the table, it’s time to start coming to a consensus on what questions/plots/figures/visualizations/tables are most helpful in telling the scientific story for this data set.

    For each plot/figure/visualization/table you think is key to the story, craft a few sentences on what the implications are within the larger scientific context of the articles and background information you have read. Within Talk, we can use the comment features to refine each other’s explanations.

    I will then help facilitate the consensus process of choosing the handful of key plots/figures/visualizations/tables to include in the article. I’ll do this by implementing a few democratic voting measures ☺

    1. Now we’re on to the article writing phase. Stay posted for advice/suggestions for this phase.

    Definitely add your own suggestions/comments/advice for the data analysis phase!


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to trouille's comment.

    "For advice on sharing Quench Tool Dashboards, click here" - there's no link!

    I think sharing Dashboards is an extremely cool thing to be able to do; could you please edit your post Laura, to add the link?


  • trouille by trouille scientist, moderator, admin

    Thanks for noticing that. Yes, updated 😃


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    One section of the paper we're all going to (eventually) write will be a description of how the Quench Sample (QS) and the Quench Controls (QC) were selected.

    As I understand it, that's something only Laura could write (or were there others involved in that?).

    Anyway, perhaps at least an outline of that description could be posted?


  • Freethesouls by Freethesouls

    I think that we can use some of the information for the paper from this new article.

    Hubble’s COSMOS survey solves “quenched” galaxy mystery

    Scientists found that a large number of bigger galaxies switch off at later times, joining their smaller quenched siblings and giving the mistaken impression of individual galaxy growth over time.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to Freethesouls's comment.

    I think you're right.

    What sort of information (in that paper)? And how do you think we could use it?


  • Freethesouls by Freethesouls in response to JeanTate's comment.

    I try to think of some ideas...can you think of any...there got to be something in that article we can use for the paper?


  • Freethesouls by Freethesouls in response to JeanTate's comment.

    JeanTate, can you think of any ways to used some of that article in the paper? It the newest article on the subject so it has to be useful.


  • trouille by trouille scientist, moderator, admin

    For information about selection criteria, check out this discussion thread:
