Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk

Towards a clean control sample

  • mlpeck by mlpeck

    This is probably a bad idea for multiple reasons, but I'll post it anyway...

    I've managed to get proficient enough in creating SQL queries to feel reasonably confident about wading into the SDSS CasJobs website, which is where you submit batch queries to the SDSS database. I have a reasonably clean data table for the control sample: at the moment it has data for 2,988 unique (I hope) objects. One object was selected from each of the 13 pairs of duplicates, and one that turned out to be a z=4.16 QSO according to a confident BOSS classification was excluded. Apart from those easy ones I have not culled anything else. All of the measurements that were intended to be included in the data set we were given are included plus a few extras.

    I created a group named "mlpeck" on CasJobs and published this data table to the group. I don't really know how the website works, but I think if you have an account you can look for my group and get read access (at least) to the data table. If you don't have an account you can go to the CasJobs website ( and create one. The process is automated and doesn't seem to need administrator approval or even proving that you're not a bot. If that doesn't work send an email to mlpeck54 -at- and I will send a CSV file (current size about 1MB). Keep in mind this is work in progress that might change or be rendered obsolete whenever the science team produces a final cleaned data set.

    I'll try to say more about selection criteria in another post. I'll also prepare a similar table for the quenched sample soon.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to mlpeck's comment.

    Awesome! 😃

    I have CasJobs account, but can't see the Group "mlpeck"; I think you have to invite other registered users to join before they can see your group(s) (I'll send you my account name by PM).

    Note to others who might be considering this: there is more than one SDSS CasJobs site; be sure you follow the link (above) to the SDSS-III one 😉


  • mlpeck by mlpeck

    OK, after logging in again I see you have to invite users to join a group. I thought there was an option to make published tables accessible to anyone.

    I also hadn't noticed until now that this forum has a private message function.

    Anyway, this is still a bad idea but if anyone wants access through CasJobs or just wants a copy of the data table let me know by PM or email.

    As of yesterday evening US central time I still could not get a data download to work from the tools dashboard, so I don't have a copy of the revised classifications. I did get the originals that were published around 7 August.


  • jules by jules moderator

    I have asked about the download issue and am waiting for a reply.
