Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk

Statistics on features

  • mbond by mbond


    I have made some statistics on the features we have to recognize during the Phase 1.

    For both the Quench and Control populations, I show the number of galaxies, the percentage and an
    evaluation of the uncertainty on the percentage (computed as SQRT(n)/3002).

    The meaningful differences between the Quench and Control samples are in red.
    The most important difference is about merging.

    enter image description here




  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to mbond's comment.

    Very nice work, Michel! 😃

    How did you decide 'meaningful difference'?

    For example, in 'Arm tightness', why is the difference for 'Loose' meaningful, but the one for 'Tight' is not?

    It will be interesting to re-do this once the duplicates and outliers have properly addressed, and we have CLEAN datasets.


  • mbond by mbond

    I consider that a difference is meaningful when it is greater than a few times the uncertainties.

    There are more Loose spirals in the Quench population than in the Control one,
    and, naturally, less Tight spirals.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to mbond's comment.

    I see, thanks!

    "Meaningful" is defined as something like (QS(%) - QC(%))/QS_uncertainty(%) > ~a few (perhaps 3)

    Is that about right?
