Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk

What are the bumps in this spectrum?

  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    The galaxy is AGS000018i (DR7 ObjId 588015509820801199), the DR9 PNG spectrum is at:

    What are the bumps/humps in the continuum, at ~528nm (range ~522-535), ~619nm (~599-632), ~671nm (~667-684)? The "best fit" in the interactive spectrum (here) doesn't.

    enter image description here

    In QS this galaxy has a log(mass) of -1; does the poor continuum fit explain this (at least partly)?


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Actually, this galaxy is an outlier! V_disp is 850±-3. Also, the Hbeta flux may be messed up by being 'on top of' the sky line.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    AGS00001nu (587738615943725169) has two not-in-best-fit' bumps/humps, at approx the same (rest frame) wavelengths (the third, just blue-ward of the HeI line, is not present). In addition, the 4000Å break fit is poor.
    Spectrum link:

    enter image description here

    Oh, and V_disp for this galaxy is also 850±-3! 😮


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    AGS00000an has a spectrum with similar features (mlpeck posted this in the Outliers thread, see that post for more details):

    enter image description here

    UPDATE: this is a supernova


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    AGS00001xe (587741602030551154) also has two strange bumps, this time between Hgamma and Hdelta, and between Hdelta and the H&K lines. The 'best fit' misses these, and it also quite a ways off in the UV (blue-ward of [OII]); spectrum, interactive:

    enter image description here
