Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk

SDSS ID not found.

  • Nax by Nax

    I've found a few SDSS IDs that can't find. For instance with '587740714039312783', it says:

    "The object you were looking for, with object ID number 587740714039312783, was not found in the database. Please try another object."

    Also the reason I mention '587740714039312783' is the H-alpha, beta and other spectral lines, have 11 digit figures. I assume this isn't correct? When I try and create a scatter plot with that in one of the axes, it essentially sticks most of the galaxies on one of the axes.

    Just thought I'd report it anyhow.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to Nax's comment.

    Is this the object you were looking at?

    enter image description here

    It's at "ra=340.80376401&dec=24.2843869", and the ID is a DR7 photoObj ID. The same galaxy, but with a different ID (636645185861713920), has a spectrum:

    enter image description here

    If so, it may well have an H-alpha flux that is almost 'off the charts'! 😛


  • Nax by Nax

    Yeh that must be the one, it has the same ra and dec. Not sure why it has a differant ID in the data! All it's spectral lines are crazy high, according to the data. Doesn't seem to match with the spectrum shown there. Whatever it is, is ruining any chance of using the spectral lines in a scatter plot anyway, haha.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to Nax's comment.

    What's the AGS ID? As far as I know, there's no way to go from any SDSS ID to the corresponding AGS ID.

    It might be interesting to see what the DR8 spectrum looks like ...


  • Nax by Nax in response to JeanTate's comment.

    Just looked and couldn't find any way to link the two IDs. The only way seems to be if someone got lucky, and classified it in their last few galaxies, so it's still in the "Recent" part of their classification profile. Which is very unlikely.


  • mlpeck by mlpeck

    There's something wrong with the galSpecLine table for this object. All of the emission line fluxes have values > 10^8 or so. But if you go to the interactive spectrum page the table of line fluxes have perfectly reasonable values (link goes to DR9):


  • Nax by Nax

    Ah, thanks a lot! Those values are a lot more sensible.. Haha.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate in response to Nax's comment.

    I found one.

    Downloading data from Tools onto your own computer, then open the CSV file with your fave app/tool (making sure that the "ssds_id" field is TEXT not default - or similar - to ensure you get a text string and not an integer so big that it's rounded). The first field - "uid" - is the AGS ID. Matching done!

    Thanks to mlpeck - I think - whose question inspired Laura to write that thread.

    Anyway, the AGS ID of the mystery galaxy (SDSS DR7 ObjId 587740714039312783) is AGS00001y8, and here's what it looks like:

    enter image description here

    I started a thread on it, by creating a new thread ("Want to start a new science discussion?"), in Science -> The Objects: The mystery galaxy in Nax's thread
