Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk
Any scientists know what this might be?
Posted in AGS000034r July 31, 2013 7:37 PM
Can't tell whether this is in the galaxy or in front of it. Simbad says 'object of unknown origin'.
#barred spiral with a circle around the centre.
#Starburst galaxy in Simbad. Am I to take it that it has suddenly stopped producing stars? Faint #dustlane.
#Irregular. Looks like it has been pulled out of shape by something.
I would really like to see a Hubble photo of an object like this. It doesn't seem to have any features at all.
Can't tell whether this is in the galaxy or in front of it. Simbad says 'object of unknown origin'.
#barred spiral with a circle around the centre.
#Starburst galaxy in Simbad. Am I to take it that it has suddenly stopped producing stars? Faint #dustlane.
#Irregular. Looks like it has been pulled out of shape by something.
I would really like to see a Hubble photo of an object like this. It doesn't seem to have any features at all.