Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk
#edgeeon #disk #overlapping seems to be overlapping with what might be a face-on background spiral
#edgeon #dustlane thanks for posting the full image
#merging #debris not sure how many galaxies are involved, looks like a lasso!
#ring not sure if host is elliptical or disk, foreground stars not helping, but seems more elliptical
#disk neat ring formation at heart of this galaxy, making a note of this in case it's useful later, might be a sign of earlier interaction
Favorites by WizardHowl (13 subjects)
#edgeeon #disk #overlapping seems to be overlapping with what might be a face-on background spiral
#edgeon #dustlane thanks for posting the full image
#merging #debris not sure how many galaxies are involved, looks like a lasso!
#ring not sure if host is elliptical or disk, foreground stars not helping, but seems more elliptical
#disk neat ring formation at heart of this galaxy, making a note of this in case it's useful later, might be a sign of earlier interaction