Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk
looks somewhat strange
Galaxy system
what is this? merger? clumpy? projection effect?
#blue #weirdo
don't really know what to call this. doesn't look disky but doesn't really look smooth either...
#blue #diffuse
beautiful merger
merging/interacting, or just a projection effect?
diffuse galaxy next to a very bright star
weird cross-shaped galaxy....
weird galaxy. colouring looks like a dust lane, instinct tells me its disturbed but there is not enough of the surroundings to confirm
awesome galaxy!
#merger #interactions
weird disky thing...
#merger !
don't see any tidal debris but looks a bit irregular, could be interacting (or was in the past) with the one to the right?
kind of difficult to say whats going on here....foreground star on the left, don't know what the clump on the right is...
#merger #debris
seems a bit unusual, can't quite pick it though
#blue #irregular
looks somewhat strange
Galaxy system
what is this? merger? clumpy? projection effect?
#blue #weirdo
don't really know what to call this. doesn't look disky but doesn't really look smooth either...
#blue #diffuse
beautiful merger
#blue #diffuse
#blue #diffuse
merging/interacting, or just a projection effect?
diffuse galaxy next to a very bright star
#blue #diffuse
weird cross-shaped galaxy....
weird galaxy. colouring looks like a dust lane, instinct tells me its disturbed but there is not enough of the surroundings to confirm
awesome galaxy!
#merger #interactions
#blue #diffuse
weird disky thing...
#merger !
don't see any tidal debris but looks a bit irregular, could be interacting (or was in the past) with the one to the right?
#blue #diffuse
kind of difficult to say whats going on here....foreground star on the left, don't know what the clump on the right is...
#merger #debris
seems a bit unusual, can't quite pick it though
#blue #irregular