Phased by phase 2!!
by jules moderator
Just wanted to highlight the excellent Glossary resource being compiled over in Help This is an excellent resource. I know the skyserver resources are good too but it's so useful to have something "local" and bespoke. Thanks Jean and Laura for taking the time to write the content and thanks wassock for assembling it.
Apologies for silence from me but data analysis is not my strong point and I'm trying to find time to read the literature about Quench galaxies and work out what I can usefully do with Tools. I may be some time... 😛 Meanwhile I am following the discussions with interest while keeping the Glossary open in another tab!!
by jules moderator
OK so there must be other people out there feeling similarly fazed by round 2 and wondering of there is anything they can contribute. My advice, after spending some time doing just that, is to give Tools a good work out. Forget the project for a while and just get in there and play. Create tables and plots. Find out what all the buttons do. Add fields and filters to tables. Create, rename and delete dashboards. Then think about quenched galaxies and what you might want to look at.
Just a thought. 😃
by JeanTate
Even I am getting fazed ...
I have received several PMs (messages), which I do my best to reply to. Sometimes, however, I have to give up.
Here's a recent one (my own summary, not the words in the PM; I do not have permission to quote those):
I have tried to follow trouille's mini-tutorial, but get repeated stuck at point 12: "12) Compare your first scatter plot with this new scatter plot. Are they different? If yes, then you're ready to play with the New Filter prompt." Compare WHAT with WHAT? What's this "New Filter prompt"? How to tell when you're done with an analysis?
I haven't gone to check, but it seems that at least one tutorial contains outdated info ( the "New Field" syntax was changed, yet the old may still be in the tutorial?). If so, no wonder zooites are getting fazed!
And my own frustration? Download data not working? (timestamp "August 10 2013 9:46 AM"). I tried again, this morning; same result. 😦
by lpspieler moderator
Yes, the non-working data download is a real pity. I've also found other glitches which make working with the tools not-so-pleasant.
I've noted all I've found in the designated "Tools issues" thread. Hope this thread gets regular attention.@ Everyone who starts playing around in tools: remember that they are in beta phase. So not everything that's not working right will be your fault. Please post observed glitches here.