Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk

Merge or no?

  • patlecat by patlecat

    I think I see 3 bright cores in this asymmetrical shape. Am I wrong?


  • Thomas_J by Thomas_J moderator

    I can't clearly see three cores but I would say 'probably yes' to merger. Others may care to add a comment.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Another one to check when the MWV is up. This may be an #overlap; in the background is a very rich, z ~0.4 cluster (all the orange blobs), and one of those may appear as a clump in this galaxy. There's also a hint - nothing more - of a z=0.4 redshift system in the spectrum; if it's real, it would confirm the 'overlap hypothesis':

    enter image description here
