Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk

Which one

  • Peter_Dzwig by Peter_Dzwig

    How do we classify one like this? As two objects or as one? The rule "it's the one at the centre" doesn't produce a simple answer. Given that we talk about mergers and "blobs" the questions then become anbiguous.


  • Peter_Dzwig by Peter_Dzwig

    OK, so DR9 says the LH object is at the centre, it also has a "GGroup" at 0.074 from the centre????


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    A pretty good post-Q candidate, per both the spectrum and its white bulge/nucleus

    it also has a "GGroup" at 0.074 from the centre

    I can't see anything like that; in which DR9 tool did you see this?
