Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk


  • wassock by wassock moderator

    hi, I'm seeing the central feature as a disc and a side on disc, maybe merging?. the skyserver data is actually centered on the edge on one so I've probably classified it wrong, focussing on the disc. Meanwhile there are the 2 very similar orange/red objects could these be the same thing, lensed by something we cant see?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Always classify the object in the center of the image, even if it is the most boring one ! 😄

    The two red objects are both foreground stars from our galaxy.

    Happy hunting ! 😄


  • wassock by wassock moderator

    OK, just trying to come up to some semblance of speed here. Is there a way of figuring which one is central when you get 2 so close together? Other than getting out the ruler.


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    I have a piece of paper the size of the image with a cross on it. That is my high technological method ! 😄


  • wassock by wassock moderator

    jOK can do that. In the image eoukd you call it 2 separate objects or are they interacting?


  • ElisabethB by ElisabethB moderator

    Not much distortion, so I'd go for no merger. But that is just me !
