Galaxy Zoo Starburst Talk

Resizing images?

  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    This came up before, over at GZ Talk.

    enter image description here

    That's a DR7 spectrum. It's 850x680 pix, which is too big to display in the main panel of this Talk thread.

    How to resize it? Make it 640x680, say?


  • wassock by wassock moderator

    Jean resizing is an option, but is just another step in posting which makes it even more of a pfhaph (but I do most of this on a tablet at the mo which makes it worse, currently on a breakfast shift in the bar). The other option is to include a link to the full image so peoples can go look if they need too - eventually you kinda get into the habit of cropping things so the interesting bit is on the left


  • c_cld by c_cld

    Mitigation: post it as a link instead of an image.

    Sorry @wassock i didn't catch your jargon "a pfhaph (but I do most of this on a tablet at the mo which makes it worse, currently on a breakfast shift in the bar)." Have you a translation in french (or in plain english) ? Thanks


  • wassock by wassock moderator in response to C_cld's comment.

    Pfhaph (pron. Faff) a complicated or fiddly process, typically involving much effort for little gain.


  • JeanTate by JeanTate

    Brooke/vrooje posted a simple means of resizing an image, over in GZ Talk, based on her understanding of garden-variety HTML. Unfortunately, her demo may have messed up every downstream post (because this version of Talk is not garden-variety), so I'm not about to try doing that! (it's a very simple thing, but if the possible consequences are dire ...).

    The link to the source - in my large images - is, obviously, embedded in the image itself. Makes sense to post it separately as well (just a couple of extra keystrokes), so I'll do that from now on.


  • wassock by wassock moderator

    OK Jean - not strictly needed I know, but there are a surprising number of people out there (not necessarily here) who don't know what the right button on the mouse does
